La SSFTC promuove la ricerca, la formazione, la condivisione di informazioni e la pratica nella farmacologia e nella tossicologia clinica. Sostiene gli interessi dei propri membri e mantiene i contatti con le autorità, i cittadini e le società sia a livello nazionale che internazionale.

Immagine: kwanchaift,

The challenges of sustainability: video highlights the need for action

Which research topics should be prioritised to best support our committment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals? What is the role of science on this path towards a more just and sustainable society?

Launch Event Priority Topics for Sustainability Research - Video summary
Immagine: Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz

These are some of the topical issues discussed in this short video, which presents the highlights and key messages of a panel discussion for the launching of the Swiss Academies' white paper "Priority Themes for Swiss Sustainability Research"

Lancement du livre blanc "Priorities for Swiss Sustainability Research" - Les messages clés
